Greenspan’s Original Clothing
art direction / branding / packaging
Greenspan’s Original Clothing store, located in Southgate California has been a staple in its community since 1928. Greenspan’s priding itself in it’s hard-to-find styles from it’s inception. From films such as La Bamba, Stand and Deliver all the way to American Me, Greenspan’s has been the go-to establishment for the entertainment industry for ages.
Since it would be applied to a vast array of garments ranging from tailor-made suits, shoes to stingy-brim fedora hats; the regal and elegant lettering style of Greenspan’s brand was important. But, the creation of Greenspan’s icon posed the biggest challenge. It would need to be eye catching, stylish and be able to stand alone. Ironically, while compiling garments for a promotional photography shoot; QuietGiantDesign alongside Greenspan’s founder Evan and his son Joshua, a stylish fedora was noticed sitting atop a pair of the brand’s signature wingtips. Josh enthusiastically pointed to the two items on the clothing stack and called out “That’s it! … thats our icon!” And there it was … the Greenspan’s capitol “G” hat and shoes icon was born right then and there; and has since adorned every item purchased from the brand since.
The final result of combining it’s sleek lettering style and unique “G” icon has been given Greenspan’s a distinct branding design unlike any other clothing establishment. Collectors of the brand worldwide wear the icon adorning their favorite choice threads with pride knowing it is an indicator of quality, authenticity and style.